Visitor Resources

Be Our Guest Hospital Amenities

To create a positive experience, our hospital is designed with patients, healing and visitors in mind. Here are just a few of the hospital amenities we provide at AdventHealth Winter Garden.

  • Multi-Specialty Clinic and Primary-Care Physician Offices - 3rd Floor
  • Chapel - Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Axium Coffee Kiosk - Open Monday thru Friday: 7 am to 3 pm
  • Free, onsite hospital parking
  • Complimentary WiFi throughout the hospital
Feel Supported on Our Spiritual Care Hotline

Whatever you're facing, you're not alone. When you need a listening ear, the AdventHealth Spiritual Care Hotline is here for you at Call833-258-2414, Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm ET. Calls are free and confidential, and our caring team members will listen without judgment, offering prayer, support and additional resources, if needed.

Patient Belongings and Valuables

When visiting us, we recommend only bringing a few essential items with you. We are not responsible for any lost items, per our consent form. We suggest that any items that are brought with you to the hospital are sent home with your family or visitors.

If a valuable item that is not an assistive device cannot be sent home, please connect with your health care team to discuss the option of securing your belongings with our security team. Please let your health care team know about any items you have with you during your stay.

6 items. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow

Chapel and Pastoral Care

At AdventHealth Winter Garden, our pastoral-care team is dedicated to nurturing spiritual health by offering prayer and a calming presence to those experiencing difficult times.

Our chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to anyone seeking a quiet place for reflection, meditation or prayer. No matter your faith or spiritual background, our chaplains are here to provide comfort and support. To contact one of them, call the operator at Call407-303-4321 and ask for the chaplain.