New Parent Resources for Every Stage of Their Development
Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding is a journey and we're here to help you every step of the way. Our team offers resources to help you with successful breastfeeding including a breastfeeding warm line for questions or concerns, a class and more.
Feeding and Swallowing Clinic
The specially trained pediatric feeding therapists at AdventHealth for Children offer free feeding and swallowing clinics designed for moms of young babies, from newborn to three months.
Circumcision Care
Has your baby just been circumcised? This will guide you on how to care for him immediately following his procedure. If you are considering a circumcision, you can also reference this resource for more information.
Infant Sleep Safety
By following the ABCs of infant sleep safety, parents can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and rest easier as their newborns sleep soundly. For more on infant sleep safety, visit
Infant and Child CPR
Learn how to respond quickly and correctly in the event of choking or sudden cardiac arrest in an infant or child.
Know Where To Go
Your child’s health needs can require different levels of care. Use this chart to determine if you should visit an emergency room, urgent care clinic, or seek care through a video visit.
The Baby Bunch
The first year of motherhood can sometimes feel overwhelming. The Baby Bunch is a casual, weekly gathering designed for moms of young babies, from newborn to 12 months old.
Developmental Checklist
Big moments are important to every parent, but every child develops at a different rate. View the list of approximate age ranges for important developmental milestones.
Pediatric Hearing Loss Program
AdventHealth’s Hearing Loss program provides children who are deaf or hard of hearing an opportunity to reach their full potential as spoken-language communicators. Check out a list of comprehensive services available and information about our pediatric audiology services, listening and spoken-language therapy, as well as family support services.

Answers to Your Questions, Just a Free Phone Call Away
Our health navigators are specially trained nurses here to assist you with all of your family's health care needs. They help to make life easier for our patients through expert clinical assistance and educational, emotional and spiritual support. All calls are confidential, anyone can self-refer and insurance is not required to talk or meet.
One Call Does It All
Our children’s health navigators provide complimentary services that help you coordinate your overall care and answer any questions you may have. These services include:
- Answering your health care questions
- Assistance with scheduling annual office visits and screenings
- Coordination of care among multiple providers and facilities
- Finding a care provider
- Resources and support for you and your family
Take something off your to-do list by contacting our health navigators today.
Call Call407-537-5516 or click the button below.