Birthmark Surgery Before & After

Alex's Treatment Plan

Alex was born with an infantile hemangioma that grew quickly over the first few weeks of life. The lesion began to deform his upper lip. He came to AdventHealth Medical Group Pediatric Dermatology when he was 2 months old. He was having difficulty feeding and wouldn’t open his eye fully on the side where the hemangioma was present. The lesion was becoming painful for him. We admitted him to the hospital to start propranolol immediately. He went onto to receive multiple treatments with pulse dye laser as well as CO2 laser.

Pediatric Dermatology


Alex’s face looks even more amazing then we ever thought possible! We could not have found a better doctor for Alex and will be forever grateful for AdventHealth Medical Group Pediatric Dermatology.

Author name Alex's Parents

Birthmark Surgery Before & After

Erika's Treatment Plan

Erika was born with multiple large port wine birthmarks. The largest was involving her face, however she had numerous smaller areas on her body. Newest recommendations promote early treatment. We began treatment when she was just two weeks old. Using pulse dye laser, we were able to fade many of these areas. Some of the treatments were in the operating room, though the majority have been in the office.

Pediatric Dermatology


A thousand thanks to AdventHealth Pediatric Dermatology for helping my daughter – and with so much love. They gave us as parents so much confidence

Author name Erika's Parents

Birthmark Surgery Before & After

Mason's Treatment Plan

Mason Grounds suffers from atopic dermatitis. This is a chronic condition that is often referred to as eczema. He presented to our clinic when he was only a few weeks old with a worsening rash that was becoming generalized. He was quickly diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and started on our clinics regimen. Atopic dermatitis effects the skin barrier and increases the propensity for infections and allergic reactions. Mason has responded wonderfully to treatment.

Pediatric Dermatology


We even had to drive an hour to get to our appointments and it was so worth it. I cannot thank the AdventHealth Pediatric Dermatology enough for taking such good care of us with such sincerity. Mason’s skin has improved 100%!

Author name Mason's Parents

Birthmark Surgery Before & After

Callie's Treatment Plan

Callie presented to our clinic when she was just seven weeks old with a worsening “birthmark” that was causing her pain and bleeding. Her family had taken her to the ER where they were told it was a birthmark and nothing could be done. Callie’s condition worsened as her family searched for options, at which time they came to us. We emergently admitted her to the hospital for an ulcerating hemangioma. When we started her on propranolol, her family said it was the first night she had slept in weeks. She improved greatly with propranolol and multiple laser treatments .

Pediatric Dermatology


As a first time mom, I was scared of what my daughter was going through. We came to AdventHealth Pediatric Dermatology and after the first resurfacing I could see a difference in my daughter’s birthmark and demeanor.

Author name Callie's Mom

Before and After child with hemangioma

Hemangioma Treatment Plan

Hemangioma treated with topical medications and PDL

Before and After child with hemangioma

Hemangioma Treatment Plan

Hemangioma treated with PDL and oral medication

Request a Consultation

Whether you’re not sure where to start or are seeking a second opinion, our pediatric dermatology team is here to help. Request an appointment today to learn how we can support you and your child in restored confidence, health and comfort.