Our Team and Culture

Surviving Sepsis: A Journey of Hope and Resilience

At the age of 27, one of our dedicated hospitalists, Justin Hoskins, APRN, faced a life-threatening battle with sepsis. It all began one evening before work when he woke up with a very high fever, chills, and rigor. Recognizing the severity of his symptoms, he immediately went to the Emergency Department (ED). By the next morning, he found himself in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

All the providers were in his room, and Hoskins kept asking, "What's my blood pressure?" As he felt himself starting to lose consciousness, the providers eventually stopped responding to the question. Later, he found out that his blood pressure had dropped to the 50s/30s, and the medical team thought they were going to lose him.

This critical situation led to an emergency transfer to the University of Kentucky (UK), where he spent seven days in the ICU due to severe sepsis with septic shock. Thanks to the early recognition and treatment of sepsis by our skilled providers, along with the power of prayer led by Dr. Cornett, our hospitalist survived this harrowing experience.

Today, Hoskins shares his story in hopes of spreading awareness about sepsis and the dangers it poses to all members of our community. His journey is a testament to the importance of early detection, prompt treatment, and the support of skilled healthcare professionals.