Vaccine Information

Give Your Health a Boost

We all get sick from time to time, no matter how frequently we wash our hands and keep our distance from others. But thanks to advances in science and medicine, we’ve been able to keep a number of serious illnesses at bay — and even eradicated some completely — with help from vaccines.

Wondering if you should get the flu shot? Every year this small but mighty vaccine prevents an estimated 7.5 million cases of influenza and keeps more than 105,000 people out of the hospital.

Learn more about the vaccines available through AdventHealth Manchester, including children’s vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine, pneumonia vaccine and many others. And get ready to roll up your sleeve so you can stay well.

Get Familiar With Common Vaccines

Flu Vaccines

The influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone ages six months and older. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and primary care providers encourage everyone eligible to get their flu shot at the beginning of every flu season, which typically starts in early October and can last, in some cases, through May.

While a flu vaccine won’t guarantee you won’t get sick, it does significantly lower your risk of severe illness.

The flu vaccine is very important for older adults. People over the age of 65 have a much higher risk of getting seriously ill from the flu and may even wind up in the hospital. Talk to your doctor about getting your free flu shot each fall.

Pneumonia Vaccines Shingles Vaccines Children’s Vaccines COVID-19 Vaccines
Supported in Advancing Vaccine Confidence

This Vaccine Confidence Program is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $495,290.00 — with zero percent financed with nongovernmental sources.

The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit

Read More on Vaccines

Stay up to date on the latest news, information and recommendations about the vaccines you and your family need to stay healthy. We’re committed to providing you with reliable, evidence-based information you can trust.

Have a question about something you’ve read? Ask your primary care doctor or call your local clinic to learn more about recommended vaccines.

Reducing Your Health Risks With Vaccines
The Truth About Coronavirus Vaccine Myths
How Vaccines for Coronavirus Were Made
When Can You Get a Coronavirus Vaccine?
Coronavirus Vaccine: EUA vs. FDA Approval
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Knowledge Is Power

Navigating the recommendations and schedules for immunizations can feel overwhelming. Here, we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions about the vaccines that can help keep you well.

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Find a Vaccine Clinic Near You

AdventHealth London Parkway Clinic — Family Medicine AdventHealth London Parkway Clinic — Family Medicine

AdventHealth Manchester

A service of AdventHealth Manchester

Formerly known as AdventHealth Medical Group Family Medicine at London Parkway