We’re Here Because of You
As a patient, you’re at the heart of all we do. You’re why we’re here and why we’ve spent years perfecting the art of patient care. Whether you’ve anticipated a hospital visit or something unexpected brought you to us, we’ll make sure you feel welcomed and comfortable as we tend to your needs. For us, it’s all about giving you an exceptional experience that helps you regain your health and feel whole in more ways than one.
Convenient Patient Resources
- Hospitalists
Our Physicians
During your hospitalization, you may be cared for by a hospitalist. Hospitalists are physicians responsible for managing patient care and treatment daily, from when patients are admitted to the hospital until they are discharged. Hospitalist physicians are specially trained to meet your needs in the hospital.
What is a hospitalist?
Unlike your family doctor, hospitalists do not see patients in a clinic; they see patients in the hospital full time. The hospitalist service is valuable because patients often go to an office appointment and are delayed because their physician is at the hospital to see a patient. In other instances, a hospitalized patient's care or discharge could be delayed while waiting for the physician to come to the hospital. The hospitalist service helps patients have consistent care at the office and the hospital.
All of our hospitalists specialize in internal or family medicine. Because they work as a team, you may see more than one during your hospital stay. They are happy to answer your questions regarding your plan of care.
While in the hospital, you may ask your nurse to contact the hospitalist 24 hours a day for any issues. After discharge, you should contact your primary care physician or the physician recommended to you by the hospitalist.
- Registration Information
Here at AdventHealth Redmond, we want your registration process to go as smoothly as possible. We have created a guide to help simplify the process.
You may be required to sign the following:
- Consent for treatment
- Authorization to bill insurance
If you are a Medicare recipient, you will be required to sign:
- Medicare Secondary questionnaire
- Medicare Rights Statement
If you are a Champus recipient, you will be required to sign:
- Champus Rights Statement
- Before You Arrive
Remember to bring these items:
- Social security card
- All active insurance cards
- Photo ID
- A living will, advance directives, durable power of attorney or critical conditions (if you have them)
- When You Arrive
Our goal is to help you get settled and feel comfortable as quickly as possible. When you arrive at AdventHealth Redmond for your stay or procedure, you will be greeted by an Admissions and Registration receptionist.
You will be asked for the following:
- A list of your current medications, including over the counter medications and vitamins/ herbal supplements
- Insurance cards
- Photo ID
If you have a health care proxy or living will, be sure to bring a copy with you to be placed in your medical record. You will be given a hospital identification bracelet. Please check to see that the information on it is correct. Do not take the bracelet off until you have been discharged from the hospital. If the bracelet comes off for any reason, notify your nurse and ask for a new one.
Please note that contraband, including drugs, alcohol and firearms or other weapons, are not permitted on hospital property. AdventHealth Redmond is a smoke-free campus, so please leave tobacco products at home.
Patients and visitors are responsible for all personal belongings. AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for replacing lost or misplaced items, so we recommend that you bring only essential items to the hospital and leave valuables and jewelry at home. If you wear eyeglasses or dentures, please bring the appropriate storage containers.

Feel Supported on Our Spiritual Care Hotline
Whatever you're facing, you're not alone. When you need a listening ear, the AdventHealth Spiritual Care Hotline is here for you at Call833-258-2414, Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm ET. Calls are free and confidential, and our caring team members will listen without judgment, offering prayer, support and additional resources, if needed.
Patient Belongings and Valuables
When visiting us, we recommend only bringing a few essential items with you. We are not responsible for any lost items, per our consent form. We suggest that any items that are brought with you to the hospital are sent home with your family or visitors.
If a valuable item that is not an assistive device cannot be sent home, please connect with your health care team to discuss the option of securing your belongings with our security team. Please let your health care team know about any items you have with you during your stay.
- Clothing
A hospital gown and non-skid socks will be provided to every patient. We recommend any clothes brought with you to the hospital be sent home with your family or visitors. Near the end of your stay, we suggest having your loved ones bring clothes to you shortly before transitioning from the hospital.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Denture Care
We know that you need your dentures with you during your hospital stay. We will provide a denture cup for you to secure your dentures. This cup will stay with you at your bedside. Please be cautious of your denture cup, keeping it in a visible area and being careful to not place it on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your dentures to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Hearing Aids
We understand that you need your hearing aids during your hospital stay. Hearing aids are best kept on your person or in their original case. If your original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. Please do not leave your hearing aids unattended and be mindful to not place them on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your hearing aids to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses
We understand you need your glasses or contact lenses during your hospital stay. Glasses and contact lenses are best kept on your person or in their original case. If an original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. It is important that you do not place your glasses or contact lenses on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your glasses and/or contact lenses to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Wheelchairs, Walkers and Canes
Please make sure that any assistive devices are sent home with your family or visitors. Please ask your health care team about walkers, wheelchairs and canes that can be used during your stay in the hospital. We highly recommend that your personal assistive devices be labeled with your name.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Medications
Please bring a list of current medications with you to the hospital, including any herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications. Please do not bring any medications to the hospital. If any medications are brought with you, we ask that you send them home with your family or visitors. If they cannot be sent home, we will store them. We ask that medications not be stored at your bedside.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
Quick Links to Helpful Information
When you're stressed about details like hospital costs and insurance coverage, it can be hard to get the rest you need for healing. Learn how we can make these and other necessary tasks easier through our online tools, including online bill pay and online scheduling. You also have certain rights as a patient admitted to a hospital or long-term care facility. Learn more in the No Patient Left Alone Act.
A hospital stay can bring many visits and services from multiple medical providers. We know it’s hard to plan ahead for an emergency hospital visit, but if you have a scheduled health care service that requires a hospital stay, we recommend contacting your anticipated health care practitioners within the hospital to confirm they accept your insurance provider. You can also get information about billing practices and an estimate for your upcoming services ahead of time to help avoid any unexpected challenges and fees.