Friends and Family Help Healing Happen
Here, we believe that true healing extends beyond the physical and that encouragement from a family member or friend matters. By staying connected with your loved ones directly, you can aid in their recovery and lift their spirit, too.
Supporting your loved ones is important work. That’s why while you take care of them, we’ll help take care of you with many visitor amenities, including our Starbucks Coffee kiosk and more.
Visitor Center
- Visiting Hours
Critical Care Visitation and Waiting Room Guidelines
Critical Care Visitation
Our regular hospital visitation hours are 8 am to 9 pm. However, we understand that your loved one is in critical condition and want to offer you more time to be at their side. We ask that you follow these guidelines for critical care visitation:
- Patients in critical care units may have one visitor stay in their room 24 hours a day, with the exception of 2 hours per day to allow for nursing team shift change.
- We will ask you to step out to the waiting room for shift change in the morning (6:30 am to 7:30 am) and in the evening (6:30 pm to 7:30 pm). Once shift change is over, we will invite you back to your loved one’s room.
- The one visitor who stays with the patient in critical care must be an adult who is able to independently care for themselves.
- To respect the privacy of other patients in the critical care unit, we ask that you remain in your loved one’s room. Please do not walk around the unit.
- There may be situations where we will need to ask all visitors to move to the waiting rooms. We will do our best to allow you to return to your loved one’s room as soon as possible.
- Please be aware that patients having open heart surgery will have more restricted visitation during the first 24 hours after surgery, as ordered by their doctor.
Waiting Room
If you have other adult family or friends who wish to visit, they will need to remain in the waiting room until a visitor can trade places or “swap” with one of them, adhering to only one visitor with the patient at a time. For you and other family members who utilize our waiting room, we ask that you please respect the area provided and the other patient families who are also using the area by following these waiting room guidelines:
- Waiting rooms are open from 8 am to 9 pm.
- Waiting rooms do not accommodate sleeping overnight.
- Use of hospital linens is reserved for patients.
- Please keep the area neat and tidy.
- Please do not leave outside food, drinks, blankets, etc. in the waiting room.
- All visitors must be 12 years old and older (no children under 12 are allowed).
These guidelines are provided to promote an environment of healing. We reserve the right to ask family members to leave the patient’s room and/or the waiting room if these guidelines are not followed. Aggressive behavior towards patients, staff and other visitors will not be tolerated and may result in removal from this facility.
Thank you for choosing AdventHealth Redmond for your loved one’s care.
- Parking
Parking is free. Please park near the Outpatient Entrance as our Main Entrance is currently closed.
- Cafeteria
The Nutrition Services Department at AdventHealth Redmond provides meal service for patients, visitors, staff and physicians. Our patients are served a variety of therapeutic diets that meet their medical needs. We also cater events held at the hospital.
The cafeteria is located on the main level of the hospital.
Open Seven Days a Week
Breakfast: 6:30 am to 9:30 am
Lunch: 11 am to 2 pm - Code Brew
This Starbucks kiosk is located in our Outpatient Waiting Room. In addition to Starbucks coffee, it offers grab-and-go sandwiches, salads and more. During this time, the hours of operations vary.
- Chicken Salad Chick
An independent Chicken Salad Chick shop is located beside the cafeteria. Chicken Salad Chick offers grab-and-go options as well as a limited menu.
Open Monday through Saturday
10 am to 10 pm - Gift Shop
Our gift shop is located on the first floor across from the elevators at our Outpatient Entrance. The shop features a variety of unique gift items, cards and flowers. During this time, the hours of operation vary.
Patient Belongings and Valuables
When visiting us, we recommend only bringing a few essential items with you. We are not responsible for any lost items, per our consent form. We suggest that any items brought with you to the hospital are sent home with your family or visitors.
If a valuable item that is not an assistive device cannot be sent home, please connect with your health care team to discuss the option of securing your belongings with our security team. Please let your health care team know about any items you have with you during your stay.
- Clothing
A hospital gown and non-skid socks will be provided to every patient. We recommend any clothes brought with you to the hospital be sent home with your family or visitors. We suggest having your loved ones bring clothes to you shortly before going home.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Denture Care
We know that you need your dentures with you during your hospital stay. We will provide a denture cup for you to secure your dentures. This cup will stay with you at your bedside. Please be cautious of your denture cup, keeping it in a visible area and being careful not to place it on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your dentures to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Hearing Aids
We understand that you need your hearing aids during your hospital stay. Hearing aids are best kept on your person or in their original case. If your original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. Please do not leave your hearing aids unattended, and be mindful to not place them on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your hearing aids to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses
We understand you need your glasses or contact lenses during your hospital stay. Glasses and contact lenses are best kept on your person or in their original case. If an original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. It is important that you do not place your glasses or contact lenses on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your glasses and/or contact lenses to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Wheelchairs, Walkers and Canes
Please make sure that any assistive devices are sent home with your family or visitors. Please ask your health care team about walkers, wheelchairs and canes that can be used during your stay in the hospital. We highly recommend that your personal assistive devices be labeled with your name.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.
- Medications
Please bring a list of current medications with you to the hospital, including any herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications. Please do not bring any medications with you to the hospital. If any medications are brought with you, we ask that you send them home with your family or visitors. If they cannot be sent home, we will store them. We ask that medications not be stored at your bedside.
Please note that per the consent form signed by the patient upon admission, AdventHealth Redmond is not responsible for any lost items.