Bucs Fans: You’re 60 Seconds Away From Relaxation

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The Tampa Bay Buccaneers hustle hard all year, training long hours and following stringent diets to bring home big wins. But the Bucs also know that rest is an essential — and often unseen — part of success.

And it’s not just professional athletes who benefit from unwinding regularly. When you’re worn out physically, your mental health wanes, and vice versa, too. Prolonged periods of stress or anxiety at work or home (not from a nail-biter of a Bucs game) with no relaxation can lead to chronic headaches, digestive issues and sleeping troubles.

So, it pays off to prioritize rest, and you can reap big benefits from making time for mental and physical rest in your daily life. Think improved energy, better focus, a greater sense of calm overall and a healthier response to stress, just to name a few benefits.

However, we know that just like the Bucs, you’re busy in more ways than one. The good news is, resting doesn’t have to take all day. These quick and simple exercises can help relax your body and quiet your mind in just 60 seconds or less.

How Bucs Fans Can Rest and Relax in 60 Seconds Every Day

For the entire Bucs team and for you, being well-rested is the key to being your best every day. And best of all, relaxation doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. If your busy day doesn’t leave you much time to spare, you can get some inspiration from this list of 60-second relaxation tips. Try out these quick, breathing, focusing and movement exercises at any time, from anywhere. We bet you’ll feel better in no time.

Breathing Exercises

When you’re feeling stressed, take a breather, literally. To unwind, refocus your energy on your breath by:

  • Deep breathing, which slows your heart rate and calms your body
  • Lengthening your breath by exhaling for two to three seconds longer than inhaling
  • Using the 4-7-8 technique by inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for seven and exhaling for eight

Focusing Exercises

These three activities can help boost or regain your focus throughout your busy day:

  • Count slowly, either in your head or out loud, with your eyes closed to lower your heart rate
  • Look away from your computer at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds
  • Pause for a moment and practice gratitude, or counting your blessing
  • Practice mindfulness by being more aware of the present moment to reduce mental clutter

Movement Exercises

You don’t have to hit the gym to get moving and reduce stress during the day. Whether you’re at home or work, you can take a moment for yourself to:

  • Do a quick, full-body stretch by raising your arms and extending your legs
  • Do a seated cat-cow exercise, by arching your back as you inhale and rounding your spine as you exhale
  • Stretch your neck regularly, especially if you work a desk job
  • Stretch your back, especially if you’re working on better posture
  • Take a brain break to clear your mind, either by stepping away from your desk briefly or walking around your office building

Do each of these exercises for 60 seconds and feel your stress melt away. Repeat them as often as you need to throughout the day, and don’t hesitate to mix and match to find which ones work best for you.

You can start with one or two or do all in one day — whatever you prefer. You know your body best, and you’re in charge of your mental health, too. Even if you’re starting small with these tips, it’s worthwhile to regain your peace of mind and protect your health in the long-term.

Partnering Together for a Healthier Tampa Bay

Feeling healthy and fulfilled in every area of your life starts with taking adequate time to rest, refuel and recharge, just like the Bucs do. When you prioritize small moments of rest throughout your day, you’ll be on your way to big wins in your life and be able to cheer on the Bucs for years to come.

When we all rest more, we’re better able to recharge for whatever lies ahead. That’s true for you and the people you love, and it’s true in professional football and health care, too. As powerful partners,AdventHealth and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers share a focus on health and wellness, advocating for everyone in Tampa Bay to feel healthier — and well-rested — for longer in body, mind and spirit.

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