In a Critical Year for Safety, AdventHealth Tampa Was Named Top Teaching Hospital by The Leapfrog Group

Leap Frog Top Teaching Hospital 2020
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December 14, 2020 Tampa, FL – AdventHealth Tampa was named a Top Teaching Hospital nationally by The Leapfrog Group. The Top Hospital designation is bestowed by The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers widely acknowledged as the toughest standard-setters for health care safety and quality. Only 105 of more than 2,200 hospitals reviewed were selected to receive the Top Hospitals distinction, which means they are in the top five percent across the country.

“At AdventHealth Tampa, we continuously strive to exemplify our mission through providing quality medical education and training to current and future physicians and through excellent patient care,” says Denyse Bales-Chubb, President & CEO at AdventHealth Tampa. “As only one of ten hospitals nationwide to be recognized as a Top Teaching Large Hospital, we are very proud of this accomplishment.”

In addition to the Top Teaching Hospital honor, AdventHealth Tampa also achieved a Leapfrog Grade A, the highest marks possible for patient safety and quality. This is the third consecutive ‘A’ for the hospital.

The Safety Grade assigns an ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ or ‘F’ grade to all general hospitals across the country and is updated every six months. It is based on a hospital’s performance in preventing medical errors, injuries, accidents, infections and other harms to patients in their care.

To qualify for the Top Hospitals distinction, hospitals must rank top among peers on the Leapfrog Hospital Survey, which assesses hospital performance on the highest standards for quality and patient safety, and achieve top performance in its category. To see the full list of institutions honored as 2020 Top Hospitals, visit

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