AFib and Arrhythmia Experts

Advanced Arrhythmia Care for Every Heartbeat

A racing heart can mean many things, from feeling excited or emotional to something more serious. When your flutters feel like they could be more, our renowned team at the AdventHealth Heart Rhythm Center is ready to help. Accredited by the American College of Cardiology, our program brings award-winning care close to home. Our experienced electrophysiologists will use advanced technology and leading-edge techniques to identify the cause of your symptoms and manage your arrhythmia, so you can get back into the rhythm of life.

We’re here to help you find the right electrophysiologist or a location that’s convenient for you.

Healing Hearts in Tampa Bay for 35 Years

As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our AdventHealth Pepin Heart Institute, we remember the legacy that Art and Tom Pepin began and that the family continues.

We honor your innumerable stories of healing as we continue to provide the most advanced cardiovascular technology from the best and brightest heart health experts.

Serving our community for more than three decades has been a privilege and joy. The future of Tampa Bay heart care is bright, and we look forward to helping you feel whole for decades to come.

What Is an Arrhythmia?

An arrhythmia is a heart rhythm issue where your heart beats too slowly (bradycardia), too quickly (tachycardia) or with an irregular beat. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is the most common type of arrhythmia. It occurs when your heart’s electrical charges malfunction, causing its upper chambers to beat out of sync with its lower chambers.

When your heart beats improperly, it can disrupt your blood flow and increase your risk of stroke, so it’s important to understand what’s causing an irregular heartbeat. Our electrophysiologists will help get you answers and treatment.

Hear Our Experts Explain Arrhythmias

What is Atrial Fibrillation?

What is Atrial Fibrillation?

Dr. James Irwin, a board-certified cardiac electrophysiologist at AdventHealth Tampa describes Atrial Fibrillation also known as AFib. Here, he shares causes, symptoms and treatment options.

What is a Heart Arrhythmia? Watchman Device

Diagnostic Services To Identify Arrhythmias

Our electrophysiology, or EP, labs are equipped with the latest technology, so we’ll have a clear picture of your heart health — and you’ll have answers.

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Comprehensive Arrhythmia Treatment Options

Although AFib itself isn’t life-threatening, it can increase your risk of blood clots and stroke, making ongoing monitoring of your condition and treatment important. It’s common to only need medication to treat AFib. But if you need more extensive care, our AdventHealth Heart Rhythm Center offers a wide range of treatment options.


Threading a thin tube through your groin and into your heart, we can use heat to scar surrounding tissue, stopping the abnormal electrical signals.

Medication Pacemakers WATCHMAN™ and WATCHMAN FLX™ Implants

Arrhythmia Care You Can Count On

If you’re wondering whether a heart flutter is an arrhythmia, our electrophysiologists have the experience and expertise to get you the answers you need. You can count on our lab to quickly diagnose your symptoms and our care team to create a treatment plan that’s just right for you.