Technician with patient getting a CT scan.

Combined Imaging Power for a Clearer View

Together, positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET-CT) scans can give us better answers about your health — especially when it comes to cancer care.

These combined scans revolutionized cancer care by providing detailed imaging for diagnosis, surgical planning, treatment planning and treatment monitoring.

With PET-CT scans, doctors can see tumors that are nearly three times smaller than masses visible on traditional scans. This technology also helps them better determine whether a mass is cancerous so that they can get you clearer answers faster. With hospitals and imaging centers in Tampa Bay, Polk County, Ocala and the Heartland, we have services near you.

What To Expect During Your PET-CT Scan

PET-CT Scan Preparation

If there’s any chance you might be pregnant, or if you’re currently breastfeeding, have any iodine allergies or struggle with confined spaces, please let your health care provider or imaging technician know before your exam.

PET-CT scans use a glucose-based radiotracer administered via an injection. Our imaging specialists look for the accumulation of this radiotracer in the cancerous tissue, visible in a PET-CT image. This visible accumulation distinguishes cancerous tissue from healthy tissue.

To ensure your body can absorb the radioactive sugar properly, please take these steps:

  • Avoid alcohol, chewing gum and caffeine 12 hours before your exam
  • Bring a small snack to eat after the exam
  • Don’t consume anything except water for four hours before your exam
  • Stop smoking or using nicotine products at least two hours before your exam
  • Stop vigorous exercise for at least 24 hours before your scan

Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you can still take your prescription medications on the day of your scan. If you’ve been instructed not to take medications on an empty stomach, please wait until after the exam is over to take your medications. If you're diabetic or insulin-dependent, you may take your medication or insulin four hours before the scan with a low-carbohydrate meal.

You might change into a hospital gown for the scan. Otherwise, wear loose clothing without metal like zippers, buckles, buttons or wires. It’s best not to wear jewelry since you’ll likely have to remove it.

During Your Exam

At the start of your exam, one of our imaging technologists will inject your arm with a small amount of radioactive glucose. You’ll then need to sit still for one hour so that the tracer can circulate through your body.

During the PET-CT scan, you'll lie on a padded table, which moves slowly through the scanner as it captures the information needed to generate the diagnostic images. One of our technologists will be present throughout the exam in a nearby room, and they can communicate with you through an intercom.

While the scan itself takes about 20 minutes, your whole appointment can take up to three hours.

After Your Exam

You may leave as soon as your exam is over. Unless you’ve received specific instructions, you should be able to eat, drive, resume normal activity, exercise and take all prescribed medications. Drink plenty of fluids after the exam and empty your bladder to help flush the glucose tracer from your body.

If you took medication for anxiety before the scan, please arrange to have a friend or family member drive you home.

Due to the type of radiation used for this study, avoid being in close contact — any closer than five feet — with children or pregnant women for the rest of the day.

Results from your scan will be sent to your ordering physician within two business days. Don’t hesitate to ask your technologist if you have any questions regarding your exam. It’s important to us that all your questions are answered so you can feel comfortable and confident.

American College of Radiology Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence logo.

Award-Winning Imaging You Can Trust

Our AdventHealth Sebring and AdventHealth Wauchula hospitals have been designated as Diagnostic Imaging Centers of Excellence by the American College of Radiology.

Find PET-CT Scan Servicesin West Florida

Comprehensive Imaging and Whole-Person Care

When you need answers about your health, trust that we’ll get them for you — whether through PET-CT scanning or any other imaging test. We offer a variety of imaging services at convenient locations across Florida’s Gulf Coast. We work to get you your results quickly so you can start getting the care you need to begin thriving again in body, mind and spirit.