Provider Orientation

Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ To and Through Providers

Here at AdventHealth, we care about you as a whole person. During your orientation and onboarding, you’ll learn about our AdventHealth legacy, CREATION Life, Spiritual Wholeness Screening, Mission Fit, and more. Below you will find an example agenda for the day.

Through the onboarding process at AdventHealth, providers get to meet many stakeholders that will help them integrate successfully to the team. They will meet new colleagues, Senior Physician Enterprise leadership, take time to learn more about the EMR and go on various tours. Below is a sample agenda, but note that this can vary upon location.

Sample Onboarding Agenda

Varies by Region

9 to 9:30 am Welcome and Overview
9:30 to 10 am

Mission/CMI/Physician Well-Being

10 to 10:30 am Clinical Compliance
10:30 to 11 am Governance Model
11 to 11:30 am Provider Culture
11:30 am to 12 pm Human Resources
12 to 12:30 pm Break
12:30 to 1 pm Revenue Cycle
1 to 1:30 pm Corporate Responsibility
1:30 to 2 pm Risk Management
Integration Plan

Our provider mission integration plan ensures each newly hired physician and APP can meet with key leaders and stakeholders. This allows employees to hear directly from leadership, begin building relationships with one another, and creates opportunities for collaboration and discussion.

“Physicians go where they are invited, stay where they are well treated,
and grow where they are cultivated.” —Rodger Bonds