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About the Program

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as you visit us at AdventHealth Orlando Internal Medicine Residency. Our mission is to “Extend the healing Ministry of Christ” in all we do. This means that regardless of background, faith, or nationality, each patient that walks through our doors is invited to be an honored guest with us; and we provide whole person and comprehensive care through this lens.

AdventHealth Orlando Hospital is right in the center of Orlando, and is the largest hospital in Central Florida, at nearly 1,400 beds. AdventHealth Orlando offers medical care from primary through quaternary levels, including bone marrow, kidney, liver, pancreas, heart and lung transplant services, as well as world-renowned robotic and minimally invasive surgeries. AdventHealth Internal Medicine Residency at Orlando is part of a blossoming Academic center, which has primary care and surgical residencies as well as many fellowship opportunities (e.g. Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Critical Care, Geriatrics). We blend the educational benefits of patients and physicians at every medical care level into a unique and complete Internal Medicine residency experience, all within one medical center. Our training program philosophy starts with a caring, humane attitude to each person we encounter. To this, we add the highest possible level of learning expectation of our residents, role modeled by dedicated faculty. Surrounded by the very best medical facilities and the greatest variety of patients anywhere, we will graduate the most capable internists in the country.

Dwayne Gordon, MD
Program Director

Program Leadership

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Dwayne Gordon, M.D., serves as lead physician at the Post-COVID Clinic pilot program.

Dwayne Gordon, MD

Program Director

male physician headshot

Daniel Tambunan, MD

Associate Program Director

Current Residents

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Swotantra Gautam, MD


Chief Resident

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Shristi Nepal, MD


Chief Resident

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Kashaf Aqeel Zaidi, MD


Chief Resident

Categorical Curriculum

Categorical track curriculum provides more exposure to inpatient medicine with resident clinic half-days once a week.

PGY - 1
PGY-1 RotationsDuration
General Medicine Inpatient6 Blocks
Critical Care Medicine1 Block
Night Float1 Block
Research 1/2 Block
Procedure Team 1/2 Block
Emergency Medicine1 Block
Ambulatory 1 Block
Subspecialty Rotation2 Blocks
PGY - 2 PGY - 3

Primary Care Curriculum

Primary care track provides more dedicated clinic experience at the Lake Nona VA, making it ideal for residents seeking to practice as an outpatient internist.

PGY - 1
PGY-1 RotationsDuration
General Medicine Inpatient5 Blocks
Critical Care Medicine1 Block
Night Float1 Block
AdventHealth Clinic1 Block
VA Continuity Clinic2 Blocks
VA Subspecialty 2 Blocks
VA Immersion1 Block
PGY - 2 PGY - 3


There are 13 blocks in each academic year; each block is 4 weeks in length. The above is a representative schedule for each year of training. Although most electives are internal medicine sub specialty electives, the hospital plays host to a robust repertoire of other specialties as well, and we routinely allow motivated residents to pursue electives like interventional radiology, ophthalmology and dermatology. Additionally, we allow a maximum of one offsite elective per year of training, at the PGY 2 or 3 level. *A board review course is mandatory in PGY 3.

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Physician Photo


Over the course of their training, residents will have multiple opportunities to sharpen their procedural skills not only at the bedside but also at a simulation lab located at AdventHealth Orlando at East Orlando Campus. Here residents will be trained by faculty members to practice code scenarios, perform common procedures such as central lines, lumbar punctures, etc.


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Program Information

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A woman using a laptop computer.

Application Process

Join Our Resident Team

Our program is a categorical three-year Internal Medicine Residency. We are unable to consider applicants for preliminary or "first year only" positions. Deadline for applications through ERAS by the end of December.

Our program has officially received accreditation from the ACGME. We are now in ERAS, please feel free to submit your application.

AdventHealth Orlando Exterior Photo of Hospital

Contact Information

Jessica Tardd and Angie Benavides

Program Coordinators

2501 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32804