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Monika Limon

Monika Limon

For 21 years Monika Limon has continued to follow her strong belief in helping others and relishes the warmth of a patient’s gracious and thankful smile. Monika’s growth within the AdventHealth Central Texas family has allowed her to grow in the Heart and Vascular Lab and always follow the saying, “treat others as you want to be treated.” Monika currently serves as the hospital’s Cardiovascular Technologists Manager; says she truly loves what she does and being a positive example for young girls. “As a woman, I know we’re naturally nurturing, sensitive and maternal,” Monika says. “These God-given abilities are blessings that allow women to strive for growth.”

Why did you enter the healthcare field?

I chose the healthcare profession because I believe in helping others that cannot help themselves. I enjoy seeing patients leave the hospital with a smile and are grateful for our help.

What does it mean to be a “Woman in Healthcare?”

Being a "Woman in Healthcare" carries a lot of responsibility for me. Healthcare workers often see people when they’re the most scared and don’t know if things will get worse. Women are naturally more gifted at showing sensitivity, being grateful, and of course being maternal.

What would you go back and tell yourself on your first day on the job?

I would tell myself to always remember and no matter how difficult a day or patient may be, “Treat others as you would want to be treated.”

How do you balance your personal and professional lives?

My family is so important to me that I try to keep my personal life at home and my work life during work hours. It was hard at the beginning, but it took a while to set boundaries and to adjust.

What lessons have you learned in your role?

The lessons I have learned in my role is to exercise patience with teammates as well as with your patients. We’re all human and everyone has bad days sometimes and your patience might be the lift they need.

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