Mother and female physician holding baby

Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding can satisfy all your infant’s nutritional needs for the first six months of life. But it’s about more than just nutrition — breastfeeding creates quality bonding time with your child that comforts them and nurtures feelings of safety, security and love. Count on our experienced team for personalized breastfeeding guidance.

Four Easy Ways to Find Guidance

Breastfeeding Warm Line

Breastfeeding support is available to new moms and our services are staffed by certified lactation consultants. To discuss breastfeeding issues, we offer several access points for women across Central Florida. If you live in the Central Florida area, please call 407-303-7650 to speak with one of our consultants. The Breastfeeding Center, located in the lobby of AdventHealth for Women in Orlando, is open from 9 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.

If you delivered at AdventHealth Daytona Beach, breastfeeding support is available 7 days a week by calling 386-231-3152. If you delivered at AdventHealth Fish Memorial, please call 386-917-7791 for breastfeeding support.

The Baby Bunch Breastfeeding Consultation Breastfeeding Class
A woman breastfeeding her infant.

Breastfeeding Guidelines

The journey to successful latching and feeding is different for each new mom. But there are a few general guidelines to follow:

  • Put your baby skin-to-skin and to the breast as soon as possible after birth
  • Use washable or disposable nursing pads; avoid plastic-lined pads
  • Watch your infant, not the clock; your baby should nurse eight to 12 times a day
  • You do not need to wash your breast before or after breastfeeding

When to See a Breastfeeding Consultant

Many women experience ups and downs when it comes to breastfeeding. If you’re struggling, know that you’re not alone, and that help is here. Our certified lactation consultants will work with you if you're facing any of these conditions:

  • Abrasions or trauma to nipples
  • Baby has not regained birth weight by two weeks
  • Baby is unable to correctly latch due to fullness of breasts/areolar tissue
  • Less than six wet diapers in a 24-hour period
  • Little or no swallowing in 48 to 72 hours
  • Nipple soreness continued past seven days
  • No change in the fullness of breasts after feeding has ended
  • Unable to wake baby for feedings

To discuss breastfeeding issues, please call 407-303-7650 to speak with one of our consultants in the Central Florida area. If you delivered at AdventHealth Daytona Beach, breastfeeding support is available by calling 386-231-3152. If you delivered at AdventHealth Fish Memorial, please call 386-917-7791 for breastfeeding support.