headshot of robin leatherwood

Robin Leatherwood, RN

Birth Experience Coordinator

Office Locations: Heart of Florida

Robin began her career in nursing with home health and quickly transitioned to a High-risk OB unit in Georgia, and has been working in labor and delivery/ OB ever since. Her passion for women’s health has sprouted from her own journey to become a mother, as well as being a sister to 8. Since moving to Florida, she has been at a high pace labor/ triage unit to now being with AdventHealth. She has a passion for women’s care and is honored to be a part of such a precious time in each family’s lives.

Scheduling your birth tour and planning for your delivery day has never been easier. Our Birth Experience Team will help you create the ultimate environment for baby’s arrival and give you the confidence and knowledge to embark on this new phase of life. The Birth Experience Coordinators are registered nurses and certified parent educators at each of our Baby Place locations that can answer any labor and delivery or parent education questions to help put new parents at ease. Contact your Birth Experience Coordinator for help customizing the best birth experience for you and your growing family, including:

  • Scheduling a tour
  • Pre-registering for delivery day
  • Signing up for parent education classes
  • Scheduling a lactation consultation
  • Selecting a pediatrician
  • Completing Birth Wishes

Birth Experience Coordinator, Heart of Florida

