Making Strides in Exercise and Energy Research
Research reveals more and more about the positive influence exercise has on our whole health. From understanding how exercise acts as medicine to sending muscle cells to space, our team of research faculty, exercise physiologists and postdoctoral fellows are experts in muscle function and research training methods.
You could be the breakthrough. Let us help you find an exercise and energy research study that’s right for you.
Featured Clinical Trials
MoTrPAC: Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium
This study is not currently enrolling.Associated Conditions: ExerciseResearch Area: Translational Research for Metabolism and DiabetesResearch Location: Orlando, FloridaThe goal of the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) is to assess molecular changes that occur in response to physical activity (PA). To achieve this aim, a mechanistic...
REST: The role of type 2 diabetes on skeletal muscle atrophy and recovery following bed rest in older adults
This study is currently enrolling.Associated Conditions: Diabetes-Drug StudyResearch Area: Translational Research for Metabolism and DiabetesResearch Location: Orlando, FloridaStudy Purpose: To better understand the role of Type 2 Diabetes on skeletal muscle atrophy and recovery following bed rest.
Study Duration: 14 weeks
Study Commitment:
2 Screening Visits
5 Pre... -
Assessments of Adipogenesis, Lipid Turnover and Cellular Composition in Adipose Tissue in Response to Endurance Exercise
This study is currently enrolling.Associated Conditions: ExerciseResearch Area: Translational Research for Metabolism and DiabetesResearch Location: Orlando, FloridaStudy Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to study the effects of endurance exercise training on adipose (fat) tissue quality and insulin resistance in people with obesity.
To be enrolled...
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Will Cavins’ Inspiring Exercise Story
When the COVID-19 pandemic changed our world, Will, a bariatric surgery patient, began to regain weight. By becoming a research participant in one of our exercise studies, Will was able to get healthier and give back to his community.
What To Know About Exercise and Bioenergenetics Research
Read our answers to frequently asked questions about exercise and energy research.
Q:Question: What is bioenergenetics?
A:Answer:Bioenergetics, or the study of energy, is the process of how the cells in our body transform and use energy.
Q:Question: What questions are researchers hoping to answer through exercise and energy research?
A:Answer:Through this research, we’re hoping to understand:
Continue Reading- Can exercise improve or prevent the development of chronic diseases?
- How do our lifestyle choices impact the body's ability to transform and use energy?
- How does age impact our ability to recover after periods of inactivity?
- How do metabolic diseases alter our functional capacity and ability to transform and use energy?
- How does reduced physical activity or immobilization affect our whole-body composition, and does this relate to changes at a cellular level?
- How do certain supplements, diets and nutrition choices affect our body's ability to transform and use energy?
Q:Question: What are the potential benefits of participating in a research study?
A:Answer:Your participation contributes to new and valuable scientific discoveries that can significantly impact your community. Some potential benefits for you personally may include:
Continue Reading- Access to new and advanced therapies and treatment strategies before they’re available to the public
- Improvements in quality of life
- Monetary incentives
- Opportunities to learn new exercises that can lead to a healthier lifestyle
- Weight loss, improved body composition and strength
Q:Question: What is typically asked of an exercise research participant?
A:Answer:While every research study is unique, exercise research often requires participants to:
Continue Reading- Exercise under supervision about two to four times a week
- Be measured for weight, height and waist circumference
- Submit lifestyle questionnaire information
- Undergo tissue and blood sampling
- Receive medical imaging, such as MRI, DXA (bone density) and PET-CT
- Wear an activity monitor
Q:Question: Is it safe to participate in an exercise research study?
A:Answer:Our caring physicians screen every new patient accepted into a research study to ensure that they meet the criteria to safely participate. Your participation is voluntary, and our research team continues to monitor your health and well-being during the length of the study.
Contact Us
You could be the breakthrough. Learn how you can help advance the future of health care. Join us at the AdventHealth Research Institute to help find the next cure.