Smiling woman walking and looking at her phone while carrying a bag of groceries.

Elevating Weight-Loss Research for Greater Well-Being

To create a healthier community, our AdventHealth scientists and clinicians are working to discover how our genes, hormones, diet and activity affect our ability to burn calories and impact our appetites. By participating in an obesity research study or one of our weight-loss clinical trials, you can contribute to the greater good while enhancing your whole health and well-being, too.

You could be the breakthrough. Let us help you find a metabolism, obesity and weight-loss research study that’s right for you.

Featured Clinical Trials

About Metabolism, Obesity and Weight-Loss Research

Read our answers to frequently asked questions about our research.

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  • Question: What questions about metabolism, obesity and weight loss are researchers hoping to answer?


    Our research efforts help us better understand:

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    • How do hormones and medicines change appetite and calorie burning?
    • How does fat (adipose tissue) regulate metabolism?
    • Which treatments or lifestyle changes effectively prevent or reverse obesity?
    • How does the gut microbiome impact body weight?
    • What characteristics define response to obesity treatments?
    • How does obesity impact other metabolic conditions, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)?
    • How do different organs work individually or communicate with each other to impact obesity?
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  • Question: What are the potential benefits of participating in a research study?


    While research studies generally don’t benefit the study participants directly, participants are helping people who may have a particular disease in the future.

    Some of our studies may provide personal benefits to you, such as:

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    • Weight loss or improvement in other health conditions
    • Monetary incentives
    • Access to new and advanced therapies and treatment strategies before they are available to the public
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  • Question: What are the potential risks?


    Some studies have risks associated with the treatments or procedures. Our medical providers screen every new potential participant to ensure they meet the criteria to safely participate.

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    Participation is voluntary, and our research team monitors participants' health and well-being during the length of the study. All risks are thoroughly explained, and we have strategies in place to minimize risk.

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  • Question: What types of procedures are involved in metabolism, obesity and weight-loss research?


    Our studies are all very different. Participants may be asked to:

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    • Take a medication
    • Follow a diet or consume foods/supplements that we provide
    • Undergo tissue and blood sampling
    • Complete questionnaires
    • Receive imaging such as MRI, DXA and PET-CT
    • Wear an activity monitor
    • Be measured for weight, height and waist circumference
    • Stay in our clinical research unit for observation and procedures
    • Have metabolism tested in our whole room calorimeters
    • Exercise under supervision
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You could be the breakthrough. Learn how you can help advance the future of health care. Join the AdventHealth Research Institute to help find the next cure.