FIND-CKD: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter Phase 3 study to investigate the efficacy and safety of FInerenone, in addition to standard of care, on the progression of kidney disease in patients with Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease.
This study is not currently enrolling. -
Research Area
Translational Research for Metabolism and Diabetes -
Principal Investigator
Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Study Purpose: To determine the safety and efficacy of Finerenone along with standard of care, on the progression of kidney disease in patients with Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease.
To be enrolled in this study, you must meet certain requirements. You may be eligible to participate if you meet the following criteria:
Study Duration: approximately 33 to 50 months
Study Commitment:
screening - 1-14 days
intervention - 32 to approximately 49 months
follow-up - approximately 1 month
Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male and Female
Clinical diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and:
eGFR >= 25 but <=90 mL/min and UACR of >=500 but <=3500 mg/g at screening.
on stable and max dose of an ACEi or ARB for at least 4 weeks prior to screening. K+ <=4.8 mmol/L at screening.
Study Procedures: Vital signs, Physical Exam, ECG, Questionnaires, Medical History, bloodwork, urine collection, Study Drug administration.
Compensation: $100 / visit